Wednesday 27 June 2012

SATURDAY 12TH MAY 2012 ­ BST +7HRS ­ The Summer Palace!

Refreshed after lunch we set out for the short drive to the Summer Palace, once the summer retreat and playground for the imperial family and royal court during the late Qing Dynasty.  Considered to be one of the finest Chinese architectural gardens theSummer Palace is spread over 700 acres. Set on a beautiful manmade lake that covers 2.2 and which now acts as a reservoir for Beijing it was refreshing to feel the breeze and admire the many trees and pagodas.

A key feature of the garden is the Marble Boat (See Photo) that an Empress had constructed so that she and her courtiers could take afternoon tea.  The upper balcony is backed by a huge mirror to provide even more reflected drama.

Another feature was a Lily Pond which reminded me greatly of Monet’s garden at Giverney.

The afternoon ended with a Dragon Boat ride across the lake to our waiting bus and a view of our last highlight the impressive Bird’s Nest Olympic Stadium. 

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