Saturday 28 April 2012

Saturday 28th April 2012 ­ Shanghai to Beijing in 12 Days!

This action packed adventure begins on Tuesday 1st May when I depart Heathrow Terminal 3 aboard a Virgin Atlantic flight bound for Shanghai – Pudong Airport.  This will be my first foray to the Far East although over my career at Lloyd’s of London I have had some very good relationships with students and representatives of the Chinese Insurance industry.  Having supped real Chinese food in the UK with their Ambassador some years ago now I am keen to see and experience China for real.


As you will see the itinerary is pretty full on so not sure how much time – or energy since every morning on the river begins with Tai Chi exercises before breakfast! - I am going to have to post Blogs!  The Wi-Fi and Internet connections are alsolimited and because of very strict cabin baggage weight restrictions for internal flights I am not going to take my laptop.  So since the blog postings may be short and text only I thought you might like a summary of the itinerary (Source Viking River Cruises - )


Day 1 – Weds 2nd May  - Shanghai


We arrive Shanghai early morning and take a panoramic tour of the old city and the modern, cosmopolitan financial district.


Day 2 – Thurs 3rd May Shanghai


This morning we will be visiting old Shanghai travelling along the elegant Bund, stopping to admire some of the historic buildings and city views.  Lunch in a local restaurant is to be followed by a visit to a silk carpet workshop followed by a tour of the Shanghai Museum.  Dinner this evening is to be at a local restaurant before seeing a performance of the Shanghai Acrobatic Troupe.


Day 3 – Fri 4th May – Shanghai & Wuhan


Today we fly to Wuhan for a visit first to Hubei Provincial Museum before transferring to the Viking Emerald for the 5 day cruise on the great Yangtze River.


Day 4 – Sat 5th May – Yueyang


Today we will be visiting an elementary school sponsored by Viking River Cruises before returning to the ship for the 150 mile cruise through one of the most scenic and spectacular stretches of the Yangtze including the Three Gorges.


Day 5 – Sun 6th May – Three Gorges  & Three Gorges Dam


This morning we will be cruising the Xiling Gorge – the longest of the Three Gorges and after lunch disembarking for a tour of the Three Gorges Dam.  In the evening the ship will sail through the five stage locks of the Three Gorges Dam – I wonder how that will compare with my recent transit of the Panama Canal?


Day 6 – Mon 7th May Three Gorges & Lesser Three Gorges


This morning we will be sailing through Wu (Witches) Gorge before boarding a smaller boat for a tour of the Lesser Three Gorges.  In the afternoon the Viking Emerald will sail through the Qutang Gorge – the third and last of the Three Gorges.


Day 7 – Tues 8th May – Shibaozhai


Today we visit the Shibaozhai Temple before sailing through the night to Chongqing where sadly we will leave the Viking Emerald.


Day 8 – Weds 9th May Chongqing & Xian


After a visit to Chongqing – the largest city in Western China – including the Zoo to see the Giant Pandas we fly to Xian.


Day 9 – Thurs 10th May – Xian & Beijing


This morning there is a visit to the Terracotta Army!!  I have seen a small representative exhibition of this Army in Malta but I am told nothing compares with the spectacle andmagnificence of seeing the full Army. In the afternoon we fly to Beijing.


Day 10 – Fri 11th May – Beijing


This morning there is to be a visit to the Great Wall of China and after lunch a walk along the Sacred Way – a tree lined avenue guarded by massive sculptures of elephants, lions and camels leading to Ming Dynasty tombs.


Day 11 – Sat 12th May – Beijing


The first visit today is to Tiananmen Square, followed by a tour of the Forbidden City, lunch and a visit to the Summer Palace.


Day 12 – Sun 13th May – Beijing to London


Fly home with BA to arrive 3.00pm London Terminal 5!